Coach Rick has always pushed me to work harder than thought I could, i have trained with a few trainers at different places but he is head and shoulders above the rest, from my first session I knew he was exactly the right coach I needed
— Samuel, Dentist

Coach Rick has spent the last 8 years training me to not only become a better martial artist but a better athlete too, I have lost weight, toned up and added a little muscle along the journey, highly recommended !
— David, Sports Coach

I had heard about Revival training from a close friend, but was a little sceptical about training because I know that Coach Rick trains athletes, as a working mum of two I just wanted to tone up and get fit. I am so happy that I decided to start training, its one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I have more energy than ever and feel a-lot better about myself
— Saba, Mum of 2, IT designer

I started training at Revival to lose some weight but then after a few weeks I started to learn some kickboxing too. I love my sessions and lead a busy life but always look forward to my 2 weekly sessions, Coach Rick is kind and genuinely cares about making sure I work hard in sessions.
— Jane, Mum of 3, School Teacher, Bedford

My two sons train with coach Rick, since starting with him they have learned so much, more than just physically getting better, they are more and more disciplined around the house which I love. He really uses martial arts as a tool to teach them values that they need such as respect and honesty. I love the way he coaches them and highly recommend giving him a try.
— Kelly, Mum of James and Jonathan, Nurse, Bedford

I was eager to learn BJJ and am so glad i found such a dedicated and knowledgeable coach, love our sessions, definitely recommend!
— Edward, Student,Bedford

Rick is a very rare human being, loyal and kind hearted.
His experience in the fitness and Martial Arts is second to none, with over 10 years experience in Mixed Martial Arts.
I have trained alongside Rick for a number of years and he has always guided, pushed, encouraged and helped me achieve my goals.
Above all he has helped my young son overcome confidence issues at school and stand up for him self against bullying at school.
I can not be more thankful.
— Harry, Business owner, Dad, London